Welcome to Preston Royal Preschool. It is the goal of Preston Royal Preschool to provide secure and nurturing environment in which your child is seen as an individual with unique abilities and needs. A variety of activities are offered to stimulate intellectual, social and physical development.

Included in our daily program are language skills, phonics awareness, reading readiness, math concepts, music, imaginary play, fine and gross motor skill development and art. Spanish is offered weekly. In addition, each child’s curiosity is encouraged through observation of nature, science exploration, cooking, field trips and special events.

Whatever the topic, we emphasize hands-on learning. Older three, four, and five-year-olds work with our Enrichment Specialists, who focus on developing kindergarten readiness skills.

You, as parents, are your child’s first and most important teachers. The role of the school is to support your efforts by providing an environment to encourage independence, promote academic development and allow for group social experiences. Above all, we work to foster a healthy self-concept, increasing levels of competence, and a love of school in each child.

Preston Royal Preschool is licensed by the State of Texas. It is a non-profit,  non-denominational school and is open to children and staff members of all races, faiths, and ethnic groups.


Preston Royal Preschool’s mission is to provide an excellent, multifaceted preschool education in a nurturing environment that encourages the individuality of each child.


We believe every child has the ability to develop intellectually, socially, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Offering developmentally appropriate activities encourages this natural progression.

The goal of Preston Royal Preschool is to provide an atmosphere in which your child can experience independence appropriate to his/her age, develop social skills, and form a positive self-image. We want your child to be able to experiment and create, to feel comfortable in and curious about his or her environment, to develop academic skills, and to understand concepts of all kinds.

Learning is the exciting and challenging work of each child. It is the function of the school to encourage questioning, experimenting, reasoning, and problem solving. A child learns best by doing. Each child is encouraged to take part in a wide variety of experiences every day.

As part of a community, each child must develop social skills. Cooperation is encouraged, while the need for independence is also acknowledged. Children are helped to express emotions in an acceptable way, and to express their own needs while becoming aware ofthe needs of others. Every child is guided toward self-discipline.

Inappropriate behavior is corrected gently, but firmly, to help the child assume control of his or her actions. The teachers treat children with respect and affection. Students are encouraged to treat one another in the same manner.

Guidelines for Discipline

1. Maintain constructive discipline with the objective of helping each child learn acceptable behavior and self-control.

2. Discipline shall be individualized and consistent for each child, and appropriate to the child’s level of understanding.

3. Use positive methods of guidance to promote self-esteem, self-control, and selfdirection.

4. Use praise and encouragement of good behavior, in addition to reminding the child of behavior expectations daily by using clear positive statements.

5. The goal of discipline is to lead the child toward self-discipline. Unacceptable behavior will be addressed with guidance and logical consequences.

6. Keep in mind that the child’s acceptance of discipline and his/her ability to learn from it depends largely on the child’s feeling that he/she is liked and accepted.

7. Use a kind, firm voice.

8. Discipline is not associated with food.

9. Never humiliate, shame, or frighten a child.

10. Corporal punishment is never allowed.

11. One child is not allowed to discipline another.

12. When a child is removed from the group for disciplinary reasons, he or she shall never be out of sight of a staff member.

13. No child shall be allowed to persistently harm him/herself or others.

14. When a child becomes consistently disruptive to the point that the teacher is unable to give sufficient attention to other children, or when a child’s behavior is repeatedly harmful to others, we will work with the parents to find ways to help their child. That may include detailed documentation of incidents, diagnostic testing, referrals to professionals, in class observations, and environmental modifications. The goal is to help a child learn the social and emotional skills to be successful in the school environment. Should the parents be unwilling to follow through with recommendations, or if the child does not respond well to repeated efforts to teach improved social skills, it may become necessary to ask the child to leave the school. In that event, enrollment will be terminated at the discretion of the director.


All teachers are responsible for planning the activities for their classroom within the broader framework of the school’s expectations, our calendar, and current preschool best practices. Each element of the curriculum is designed to stimulate intellectual growth and curiosity, to further academic success and critical thinking skills, to facilitate social skill development, and to promote each child’s enjoyment of his/her school experience. Music, and the introduction of various rhythm instruments, is an important part of our daily curriculum, as is working with varied art materials. We provide a weekly Spanish class taught by a Spanish-speaking teacher. Additionally, a professional music teacher joins us two days each week. Computers are available in the hallway for learning enrichment. Activities are designed to be appropriate to the developmental level of each child and take into consideration his/her interests and needs. A balance of teacher and child initiated activities are included in the daily schedule. 

Enrollment and Fees

A student is enrolled following written application by a parent or guardian and acceptance by the school, based upon the availability of an appropriate opening. Payment of fees and tuition in a timely manner is required to hold your child’s place. Enrollment is for the full nine-month session, September through May, but tuition is split into 10 equal payments from August through May. Tuition is not adjusted for absence due to illness or vacation. If a child is withdrawn before the end of the school year, any tuition payment due within the next 30 days must still be paid. Overpayment of tuition will be credited to the next month or refunded. Non-refundable application and enrollment fees are paid annually for the academic year. Children enrolled after January 1 will pay one-half of the enrollment fee for the remainder of the academic year.

If more than one child in a family is enrolled, there is a discount on each additional child’s tuition. Reduced tuition may be available to families in need of financial assistance. Application for reduced tuition is made annually to the director.

Tuition is due on the first day of the month. A $25.00 late fee will be added if the monthly tuition is not paid by the 5th of the month. An additional $40.00 late charge will be added to accounts not paid by the 15th of the month. If you are unable to make your payment on time, contact the director so that special arrangements can be made and late fees avoided.

Enrollment will be suspended for non-payment once the tuition is two months past due. The student may return once the tuition is current.

Summer Program

Information regarding the summer program, enrollment and hours will be available each year in January.


Classes are in session September through May from 9:00 am until 11:50 am on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and from 9:00 am until 12:50 pm on Thursday and Friday.

Please bring your child to his/her class between 8:50 and 9:00 A.M. The first hour is the most productive time of the day for developing math, pre-reading, language, and fine motor skills, as well as creating art projects. The child who arrives late will miss fine motor activities, may be disruptive, or be disappointed to have missed a particular activity.

Children may arrive as early as 8:00 to spend time in Early Birds with that teacher. No reservations are necessary during the academic year. A $5.00 per day charge is due at the time of arrival. Payment of cash or check should be made directly to the Early Bird teacher, unless other arrangements are made.

Extended Day classes are in session from noon to 1:50 pm on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and from 1:00 until 1:50 pm on Thursday. Extended Day classes are selected on the application form and as space is available when the school year begins. Additionally, children may drop-in for Extended Day as needed, space permitting. Payment for drop-in Extended Day can be paid directly to the school or through the online tuition payment system. Cost is $25 for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and is $12 for Thursday.

A charge for late pick-up is assessed beginning at 12:10 pm on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and at 1:10 pm on Thursday and Friday. This charge starts at $5.00 and increases by $1.00 for every minute after that. NOTE: The Extended Day late fee begins at 2:00 pm. The late fee charge for Extended Day starts at $5.00 and increases by $1.00 each minute after that. This is charged to the parents, even if someone else is responsible for picking up their child. Please notify us at 214-987-3446 if you will be late. We try to be understanding in case of emergencies.

Delivery and Dismissal of Children

For morning drop-off, park in the marked spaces in the lot east of the playground, and bring your child to the appropriate classroom. Please check your child in with the BrightWheel app. Do not park along any curb, or in an area not marked for parking; doing so increases the possibility of injury to the children. If your car, parked illegally, obscures another driver’s line of sight, it can result in a child being hit by a car. The curb is a fire lane and is only to be used for waiting in your car during carpool in the afternoon.

If there is some reason it is particularly difficult for you to get out of your car to bring your child inside, call 214 987-3446 and we will come out to get your child.

KEEP THE GATE LATCHED AT ALL TIMES. The children’s safety is in your hands.

When entering the parking area for after school carpool, turn right immediately, circle through the church parking lot, and then turn right to approach the playground gate. This usually alleviates dangerous traffic backups onto Royal Lane. Remain in your car and be certain that your carpool sign is hanging on your rear-view mirror. Please do not use your cell phone at this time. Give your full attention to the moving cars, your child and the teacher who may have something to tell you. Teachers will load children into their cars when school is dismissed. Children will be placed into the car only from the passenger side. It is your responsibility to drive to the area behind the library and buckle seat belts. If you must pick up your child early, park in a marked space and come inside. However, no one is allowed inside to pick up children once it is 11:40 (or 12:40 on Thursday or Friday);it is too disruptive at that time.

Children will be released only to parents or to persons designated on the registration form. In the event that a person not named on the form will pick up your child, inform us by phone or in person as soon as possible. Persons who do not normally pick up your child must show identification. If there is someone who MAY NOT pick up your child, it is important that you tell us. We may need additional documentation in that event.

On rainy days, drivers also will turn right into the front parking lot and form a line moving toward the building. Children will exit through the double glass doors and be loaded from the covered walkway along the side of the church.

Closing for Inclement Weather

Preston Royal Preschool will be closed when Jesuit High School is closed due to weather. If they open at a later time, PRP will follow their guidelines, unless they begin later than 10:00 AM; in that case Preston Royal will be closed for the day. In other cases, you will be notified of schedule changes by email or phone. PRP is not affected by gas curtailment, which sometimes requires that public schools be closed.

Emergency Procedures

If a child becomes ill or is seriously injured, a parent will be called. If neither parent can be reached, the emergency contact on the enrollment form will be called. If s/he may be contagious, your child will be supervised and kept away from others until picked up.

If a parent or emergency contact cannot be reached and immediate care seems imperative, PRP will contact the paramedics. If they decide transport to an emergency room is necessary, the school will not be financially responsible for those expenses.

Fire drills are conducted monthly, and the school passes an annual Dallas Fire Department inspection.

Hazardous weather and intruder drills are conducted four times a year. Should we have an actual weather event that strikes the school, we will contact parents as soon as we are able. We will stay with your child until you are able to come. If conditions make evacuation of the building necessary, parents will be called to pick up their children. If danger is immediate, children, teachers, and staff will walk to the Preston Royal branch library, which is next door. In the unlikely event we must evacuate the area, everyone will walk to Pershing Elementary, 5715 Meaders Lane, Dallas, 75229, (972) 794-8600. You will be notified by phone or Class Dojo as soon we are able, and by a sign on thedoor. We will keep your child until you can come for them. 


Each child must meet Texas Department of Health immunization requirements. A copy of each child’s most recent immunization record needs to be on file at PRP prior to the first day of school, and as that information is updated.

As part of the Special Senses and Communication Disorders Act, the Texas Health and Safety Code also requires that children who are four years of age by September 1 must be screened within 90 days for possible vision and hearing problems. The results of this screening, in the form of individual visual acuity and sweep check results, must be on file at PRP.

Guidelines on exclusion due to illness, provided by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, will be used to determine if a child should remain in class. For your child’s benefit, and in consideration of others, do not send him/her to school if they have had a fever, diarrhea or upset stomach in the last 24 hours, or with a rash, runny nose, cough or sneezing not caused by an allergy. Teachers do perform an informal health check daily for each child, looking for signs of illness. The goal is to limit the exposure of the students and staff to a sick child, and to allow the child sufficient time to recuperate athome from an illness.

If your child will be staying home, please call the school office at 214-987-3446. Your child’s teacher will not notice a text or email while teaching, so you do need to notify the office. You may leave a message 24 hours a day on voice mail. Let us know if your child has a contagious illness. You will be notified if there is a case of streptococcus, head lice, pin worms or any serious communicable disease in your child’s class so that your doctor can recommend preventive measures. 

After an illness, your child must be free of fever for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication, before returning to school. Be certain your child’s teacher is aware of any allergies, medication your child is currently taking, and foods or other substances to be avoided.

If your child has a food allergy there is additional paperwork will need, including a treatment plan from your child’s doctor. We will need this information prior to child’s first day at PRP.

The children play outside every day unless it is raining or extremely cold. A child not well enough to play outside is probably not well enough to be in school. If you decide to send your child to school but do not want him/her to play outside, please discuss possible alternatives with the teacher and director. Children who are temporarily unable to go outside with their class will be supervised by an aide, but you need to consider your child’s flexibility and willingness to leave his/her own class and teacher.

Generally, PRP teachers do not dispense medication. If medication for a condition is required while your child is at school, an Authorization to Dispense Medication form is required. Epi-pens, inhalers and all other medications must be left with the director, never in your child’s bag. The container must be clearly marked with 1) child’s name; 2) doctor’s instructions; 3) expiration date.

Teachers and staff that are able receive annual flu shots in an effort to protect our staff, students and their families from the flu. We encourage our students and their families to do the same.

While PRP is not a nut-free school, individual classrooms will be designated nut-free when necessary.

You may apply sunscreen and/or insect repellant to your child before dropping them off at school. For special outdoor events late in the morning, or during summer camps, if you would like us to reapply either sunscreen or repellant, you will need to provide it, and hand the teacher a signed note to that effect.

Child Abuse Awareness

All teachers at PRP are trained annually to identify possible child abuse or neglect. This training includes increasing awareness of issues regarding child abuse and neglect, including warning signs that a child may be a victim of abuse or neglect. In accordance with Texas State Law, all suspected cases of abuse or neglect must, and will, be reported to Child Protective Services for investigation. There is very helpful information available for parents and others at http://www.helpandhope.org/Child_Safety/recognizing-abuse.asp to help recognize and prevent child abuse. There is also a local Dallas organization, Family Compass, which offers home-mentoring programs, as well as community education and outreach programs. For further information, their website is https://www.family-compass.org. The child abuse hot line is 1-800-252-5400. Suspected abuse may also be reported online, at www.txabusehotline.org If we can be of any assistance, please ask.


If you choose, we can provide a comfortable place for you to breastfeed your child in the church parlor. You have the right to breastfeed your child or provide breast milk for your child while in our care.


Your child will be gluing, painting, cooking, digging, climbing and having lots of active fun. Send him/her to school in washable play clothes that allow for freedom of movement. Necklaces and outerwear that includes strings or cords may not be worn on the playground. Clothing should be easy for your child to manage when using the toilet. Avoid clothing that is tight or has zippers, snaps, buttons or belts while toilet training. Children should have a complete change of clothing appropriate to the season (shirt, pants, underwear, socks and shoes) in their bags each day.

Rubber-soled shoes with socks are best for playing on our play equipment. To protect children from injury, cowboy boots are not allowed at school, except on Western Day. We prefer that mules, crocs, open-toed sandals and flip-flops not be worn because they increase the chance of injury or impede your child’s ability to run, pedal or climb. If your child wears rain boots into the building, please change them into regular shoes upon arrival.

Since we play outside nearly every day, you will need to dress your child appropriately. On cold days, hats, mittens, a coat and long pants or warm tights are needed.

Personal Belongings

Each child will be given a Preston Royal Preschool book bag to be carried back and forth from home each day so that notes to parents, daily work, art projects, and other belongings can be sent home. It should be labeled on the inside with your child’s last artwork, without crumpling the corners.

All clothing, including coats and sweaters, should be labeled with your child’s name. Remember that any jewelry worn to school can easily be lost or broken. A clearly printed name on the outside of his/her lunch box and food containers will help your child return home with the same items s/he brought. If needed, a supply of diapers also should be included. Please mark each diaper with your child’s name.

If your child brings a sippy cup or water bottle, make sure your child understands they may only drink from it while seated at the table. We strongly discourage bringing toys, loveys or other personal items that might cause great distress if they are lost or broken.

Snacks and Meals

The children are served a snack every day. We provide water, and sometimes milk or juice, along with things like crackers, cheese, fruit, vegetables, bagels, yogurt, and low sugar cereals and cookies. Licensing standards now only permit a 4 oz. serving of unsweetened juice per school day and the milk we serve will have a maximum of 1% fat.

The children sometimes make snacks. Cooking is a popular activity, which emphasizes nutrition, introduces math and science concepts, includes following directions, and allows them to experiment with different tastes and textures.

Parents are invited to occasionally choose a day for their child to bring a snack to share. This is a good opportunity for you and your child to discuss and choose a nutritious food that is perhaps relevant to the curriculum. Your child’s teacher will inform you of foods to avoid due to allergies in your child’s class. Sign up lists are on classroom doors. To celebrate a birthday, your child may bring a special snack. This is a time when cookies or another special treat are encouraged, and a sweetened beverage is permitted. However, please do not send party favors.

A monthly snack menu is posted near the front desk for your information. Parents provide lunches for their children on the days they stay for lunch. Please send nutritious foods that your child enjoys and can manage by him/herself. Teachers will open containers, but cannot heat food, peel or cut up fruit in a timely manner. Some foods are just too messy for children to handle on their own. Please do not send yogurt in a squeeze tube. It ends up on the children, teachers, furniture, and floor. We may need to ask an entire class to restrict what they bring for lunch or snack to protect a child from an allergic reaction. You may use thermos containers or ice packs to keep food hot or cold.

Field Trips

Notice of field trips will be posted and permission slips sent home. Written permission must be obtained from a parent before a child may go on a field trip. You may also offer your assistance on the returned permission slip. Parents may provide transportation after giving proof of a valid driver’s license, current state auto inspection and valid insurance. All children must ride in a child safety seat unless traveling by bus or train. None of our students are large/old enough to ride legally without one. Adult drivers or passengers are also required to wear seat belts.

Parent Involvement

Parents are always welcome to visit, and we encourage you to be involved in your child’s school experience. Preston Royal Preschool will keep you informed of activities and policy changes through daily contact with the teacher, notices on the classroom door, and with email, newsletters or notes.

You also can help by keeping the teacher informed of events occurring at home and by sharing your observations of your child’s skills and interests and of his/her reactions to school activities. It is also important for you to tell us immediately if any of your contact info changes, any big events in your child’s life, if your child is taking medication, or if s/he has recently been injured or ill.

Information may be exchanged briefly as you bring your child into the classroom, but matters requiring discussion should be covered by a conference, phone call, or email. Concerns are best handled as they arise, so please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher. Participation in our parent-teacher conferences is an excellent way for you to learn more about your child’s participation and progress at school, and for us to benefit from your insight.

Our Parents’ Club needs many volunteers in a variety of capacities. You also may volunteer to help your child’s teacher with classroom prep tasks. In addition, there will be many events during the year that will involve parents as guests or as helpers.

Parents’ Club

One of the greatest strengths of Preston Royal Preschool is our active Parents’ Club. All parents are members of the Parents’ Club. Your participation in parties, workdays and fund-raisers is a great way to meet other parents and children, as well as provide essential support for our school. You will be notified of meetings and projects via posters, phone calls or email. Volunteers are also needed to serve as Room Parents. You are encouraged to support the Parents’ Club by attending events, serving on the board and helping with the carnival, silent auction, all school workday, and the end-of-year celebration. Please volunteer by contacting the PRP director or President of the Parents’ Club. You are also asked to respond to written requests and sign-up sheets posted at school. 

Substitute Teachers

A regular substitute teacher or a staff member will replace a teacher who is unable to report for work. Contact the director to let her know if you would like to be added to our substitute list. A background check, including fingerprinting, and orientation is required prior to being able to sub.

Employer Identification Number

If you deduct the cost of childcare on your income tax return, you will need our EIN: 75-1039927. Preston Royal Preschool is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.


According to the Texas Penal Code, the area within 1000 feet of any childcare facility is a gang-free zone, where criminal offenses related to organized criminal activity are subject to harsher penalties.

Grievance Procedures

If you have a question or concern about your child or about the policies and procedures of the school, we encourage you to discuss it first with your child’s teacher, followed by the director, if need be.

Any parent may review the minimum standards under which the school operates. You may also see the most recent licensing inspection report by simply asking an aide or the director. To contact our licensing representative, call or write the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, 8700 Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, TX 75247, 214-951-7902, Ext. 4024. Their web site is www.dfps.state.tx.us.